ለአሪዞና አንድነት መረዳጃ እድር አባላት በሙሉ፣
የእድራችን አባል የሆኑት የአቶ ብርሀኔ ሐድጉ እና የአቶ አብነት ሚደክሶን ሕልፈተ ሕይዎት አስመልክቶ በ10/30/2024 እና በ11/6/2024 ከእድሩ 30,000.00 ዶላር ($15,000.00 በግለሰብ) ወጭ ተደርጏል። ይህን ወጭ ለመተካት፣ እያንዳንዱ አባል $70.00 እንዲከፍል ተወስኗል:: በመተዳደሪያ ደንቡ አንቀጽ 10.1 እና አንቀጽ 10.2 መሰረት ከ11/17/2024 እስከ 12/16/2024 $70.00 ያለመቀጫ፣ ከ12/17/2024 እስከ 12/31/24 ደግሞ ከ$25.00 መቀጫ ጋር $95.00 እንዲከፍሉ በትህትና እናሳስባለን:: በዚህ ጊዜ ክፍያውን ያልከፈለ አባል ቢኖር በመተዳደሪያ ደንቡ አንቀጽ 10.3 መሰረት፣ በራስዎ ፈቃድ ከእድሩ የወጡ መሆኑን ልናሳውቅ እንወዳለን።
የክፍያ መንገዶች፦
- በ Online ለመክፈል org ላይ Make Payment የሚለውን ማስፈንጠሪያ ይጫኑ
- በ Zelle ለመክፈል የARIZONA ANDINET MEREDAJA EDIR ስልክ ቁጥር የሆነውን 623-499-0428 ይጠቀሙ። በZelle ክፍያ የሚፈጽሙ ከሆነ ሙሉ ስምዎትንና የአባል መለያ ቁጥርዎትን፤ ለሌላም አባል የሚከፈሉ ከሆነ የአባሉን ስምና የአባሉን መለያ ቁጥሩን በማስታወሻ ሳጥን (Memo Box) ውስጥ እንዲጽፉ በአክብሮት እንጠይቃለን።
- በቀጥታ ባንክ ማስገባት ከፈለጉ የ ዌልስ ፋርጎ ባንክ አካውንታችንን Account Number 7330133609 እና Routing Number 122105278 ይጠቀሙ። የከፈሉበት ደረሰኝ ላይ ስምዎትን ጽፈው ፎቶ በማንሳት 623-499-0428 ላይ ቴክስት እንዲያደርጉ በትህትና እናሳስባለን።
- በጥሬ ገንዘብ ለመክፈል ባቲ ባዛር እና የእናት እንጀራ ሱቆች መክፈል ይቻላል።
ስለአባልነትዎ እናመሰግናለን
የእድሩ ኮሚቴ
To All Members of Arizona Andnet Meredaja Edir,
The Edir has disbursed $30,000 ($15,000 per person) on 10/30/2024 and on 11/6/2024 to cover funeral expenses of our members Ato Berhane Hadgu and Ato Abinet Donni Midekso, who recently departed from us. As outlined in the Bylaws of the Edir, this expense shall be allocated to the remaining qualifying and active members. Accordingly, it was decided that each member’s contribution will be $70.00. We kindly request that each active member pay $70.00 from 11/17/2024 to 12/16/2024 without penalty and $95.00 including a penalty of $25.00 from 12/17/2024 to 12/31/2024 in accordance with Article 10.1 and Article 10.2 of the Bylaws. We would like to inform you that any member who do not complete the required payment within the mentioned time frame will be terminated at their own discretion in accordance with Article 10.3 of the Bylaws.
Here are the available payment methods:
- To pay online on azedir.org using a debit/credit, Click the link Make Payment on this page.
- To pay via Zelle, use Arizona Andnet Meredaja Edir’s phone number 623-499-0428. Please make sure to enter your full name and member ID number in the memo box. If you also pay for another member, please enter the member’s full name and member’s ID number in the memo box.
- To make a direct deposit into the Edir’s Wells Fargo Bank Account, please use Account Number 7330133609 and Routing Number 122105278. Please write your name on your deposit receipt and send a picture to 623-499-0428.
- To pay by cash, make the payment at Bati Bazar and Yenat Injera Market
We appreciate your membership!
AZ Andnet Meredaja Edir Committee