ለአሪዞና አንድነት መረዳጃ እድር አባላት በሙሉ፣

የእድራችን አባል የወ/ሮ ዘውዲቱ አለሙን ሕልፈተ ሕይዎት አስመልክቶ በ 2/26/2024 ከእድሩ $15,000 dollar ወጭ ተደርጏል፣ ይህን ወጭ ለመተካት፣ እያንዳንዱ አባል $35 dollar እንዲከፍል ተወስኗል:: ይህንን ክፍያ ከ 3/11/24 እስከ 4/10/24 $35 ከ 4/11/24 እስከ 4/26/24 ደግሞ እስከመቀጫው $60 እንዲከፍሉ በትህትና እናሳስባለን::
በዚህ ጊዜ ክፍያውን ያልከፈለ አባል ቢኖር፣በመተዳደሪያ ደንቡ አንቀጽ 10,2.3መሰረት፣ በራሱ ፈቃድ ከእድሩ የሚወጣ መሆኑን ልናሳውቅ እንወዳለን። የእድሩ ኮሚቴ ክፍያ መደራረቡን እና ለአባላት ከባድ ሊሆን እንደሚችል በማገናዘብ ጠቅላላ መዋጮውን ለማሳነስና የመክፈያ ጊዜውን ለማራዘም ሞክሯል:: ከዚሁ ጋር በዚህ እድር እማካኝነት እርስበርሳችን ለመረዳዳት እድል ስላገኘን ፈጣሪንእናመሰግናለን::
ክፍያ ለመክፈል፣
1. AZedir.org online (Click Make payment bellow)
2. በ Zelle ARIZONA ANDINET MEREDAJA በዚህስልክ ቁጥር ይክፈሉ፣ 6234990428 (እባክዎ ሙሉ ስምዎትንና የአባል ቁጥርዎትን (ለሌላ አባል ከከፈሉም የአባሉን ስምና የአባል ቁጥሩን) በሜሞ (memo) ሳጥኑ ውስጥ እንዲጽፉ በአክብሮት እንጠይቃለን
3. ዌልስ ፋርጎ ባንክ አካውንት #7330133609 ሪሲቱ ላይ ስምዎትን ጽፈው በ 6027542506 ቴክስት እንዲያደርጉ በትህትና እናሳስባለን፣
4. ባቲ እና የእናት እንጀራ ሱቆች መክፈል ይቻላል።

To All Arizona Andnet Meredaja Edir members

The Edir has expended $15,000 to cover funeral expenses for member Woizero Zewditu Alemu on 2/26/2024. As outlined in the bylaws of the Edir, this expense is to be allocated to the remaining qualifying members. Accordingly, it has been decided each member’s contribution will be $35.00. Please complete payment of $35.00 between 3/11/24 and 4/10/24. We would like to kindly remind you that, if you are paying after 4/10/24, a penalty of $25 is added, per the bylaws. Please pay $60.00 if you are paying between 4/11/24 and 4/26/24.
Please note that per Chapter 10.2 and 3 of the bylaws of the Edir, members who do not complete the required payment within the mentioned time frame will forfeit their membership status.
The committee recognizes that the frequency of contributions may cause a challenge for members. The committee has tried to reduce the total contribution and extend the payment period to help with the challenge. At the same time, we thank God that we have the opportunity to help each other through this Edir.
Here are the available payment methods.
  1. Azedir.org online payment using a debit/credit card (Click Make payment below)
  2. Via Zelle to Arizona Andnet Edir using telephone number 623-499-0428 – please make sure to enter your full name and member number in the memo box. If you are paying for another member, enter the member’s full name and member number in the memo box.
  3. Direct transfer to the Edir’s account at Wells Fargo Bank Account number 7330133609 – please make sure to send your receipt with your name to 602-754-2506.
  4. Bati and Yeenat Injera markets

We appreciate your membership!

Board Chairman
Gizachew Girmay